

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Digital Campaigns in the Music Industry for Production and Recording

     Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are three social media platforms that can be used to optimize your digital campaign. Whether your objectives are to create awareness of your brand, drive traffic to your website, or create a demand for your products or services you can use these social media to make it happen.
     With Twitter the first thing to do to make the most of this platform would be to follow as many potential clients as you can and have them follow you.  The second thing is that you should Tweet purposefully. Tweet relevant information, for instance you should tweet when you’re working on a project or get new gear or software. This let’s your followers know that you’re busy and progressing. Finally, since you have to keep it brief you should use Twitter to let people know about your other social media activity.

     Facebook is similar in that you need to get as many people to “like” your page as possible. Perhaps, one way you can initially get people to your page is that you could friend/link it from a personal page that you already have. Next, posting regularly will increase your visibility. A third thing you can do is to purchase Facebook ads. Effective advertising is always desirable but you may want to wait until you have a modest advertising budget. You should also post links to your facebook page everywhere that you can; your website, your other social media, etc…

     YouTube is a wonderful tool for marketing in production and recording. Posting a video with a still of your brand’s logo along with music you’ve done at your studio is a great way to create demand for your services. A second way would be to post video of recording sessions with the artists that you’re working with. Potential clients can see how you work and can view you work environment in action. Thirdly, posting videos of the creative process, in other words you actually making a remix, composing music, or writing a song is another way to market your business. Here is an example of an individual doing this very thing.
Though he’s doing simply for the love of it, he could actually use this to promote a business.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A new thing.

     I own a business called SwingHigh Productions. We are a full service recording studio and production facility. Our niche is the Christian (CCM, Gospel, Latin Gospel) and church music markets. Another thing we offer in our production that is special to this area is live instrumentation as most of the smaller places like ours mostly do sequenced music.
     As a business owner, it’s important to have a network of professionals in and around your field be they burgeoning or veteran. Having others to glean ideas from, to exchange gigs with, and to basically form community with can be helpful to your business. Examples of this could be a studio that mainly focuses on Rap/Hip Hop production suggesting another studio to a client that wants do, say, a Classical or Jazz recording or a facility that’s in contact with a few tech / repair people who can do work on their recording gear.
     There are few ways a professional in this industry could use digital media to help boost their career. One is sites such as ( can be used to get involved in regional networking events.  Linkedin has similar opportunities available like ( You could use Facebook as a way to connect others as well.  You will need to do more than simply contact others in the industry to have it make any kind of difference with your career / business goals. As an audio engineer or a producer you could use your Facebook page as a means to link people to your website where they can get more info on you. Number three, Youtube is another digital media where you can post tracks of your work and hopefully gain interest. The bottom line is that there are a number of ways a person could use digital media to boost your career.